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Kathy C. Hochul

Democratic, Independence, Working Families, Women's Equality

Running as Candidate for

Lieutenant Governor

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

1: Creating more good paying jobs

2: Protecting women’s reproductive health

3: Early Voting and automatic registration

Current Occupation

Lieutenant Governor

Previous Occupation

Congresswoman, County Clerk, Legislative Counsel to Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan


B.A. Syracuse University, J.D. Catholic University

Prior Public Experience

Hamburg Town Board, Erie County Clerk, Member of Congress

Candidate Statement

I’ve been helping elect Democrats my entire life. My passion for public service brought me to Washington, where I worked for Rep. LaFalce and Senator Moynihan. I moved back to Buffalo to raise my family, I found myself gravitating towards politics again. I’ve had the opportunity to rise through the ranks – county office, Congress, and now statewide – I never lost my understanding for what happens at the local level, and I’ve always worked to elevate more women. Now more than ever, we must use state government to set an example for the rest of the nation. From $15 minimum wage to Paid Family Leave, and from protecting healthcare to safeguarding a women’s reproductive health, Governor Cuomo and I have been on the frontlines making state government work for the people. We still have so much more to do, and with your vote we can continue to move New York forward.