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Andrew C. Hollister


Running as Candidate for

Lieutenant Governor

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

1: Reduce Tax Burden
2: Ending Government Corruption
3: Jobs and Small Business Support

Current Occupation

Small Business Owner

Previous Occupation

Volunteer First Responder
IT Consultant

Prior Public Experience

None - Not a career politician

Candidate Statement

I have lived in NY my entire life. I love this state and want to see better opportunities for the families here, especially in the areas of education, opportunity, and healthcare. Our taxes are so high people leave our state, our government is so corrupt elected officials are constantly in the news being charged for corruption, and our small business environment is among the worst in the nation. I see hope for change in New York. If elected Larry Sharpe and I will fight to cut spending, not shift taxes and call it a "tax cut.” We will end Crony Capitalism in Albany by creating real accountability on state boards and commissions. We will eliminate licensing and regulations that crush small businesses and have nothing to do with safety. A vote for Larry Sharpe and Andrew Hollister is a vote for a new New York and a vote for hope.