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Marc Molinaro

Republican, Conservative, Reform

Running as Candidate for


Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

1: Cut Taxes & Stimulate Job Growth
2: End Cuomo's Corruption
3: Keep New Yorkers Safe

Current Occupation

County Executive, Dutchess County

Prior Public Experience

- Board of Trustees, Village of Tivoli, NY
- Mayor, Village of Tivoli, NY
- Member, New York State Assembly

Candidate Statement

I will cut taxes and stimulate job growth by:
- reducing property taxes by 30%
- initiating state takeover of Medicaid and ending practice of pushing spending onto local governments
- doubling retirement exemption and expanding zero tax rate to all manufacturers
- streamlining state government to improve efficiency, effectiveness and business friendliness

I will end the corruption that plagues our state government by:
- enacting term limits for all statewide and legislative offices, including myself
- abolishing cash giveaways to corporations and ban pay-to-play donations
- restoring honor and integrity to the Governor’s office

I will keep New Yorkers safe by:
- keeping cop killers, sex offenders, and other violent criminals off our streets
- ending parole for cop killers
- providing necessary resources to fight and eradicate MS-13 gangs
- tackling drug epidemics that plague our communities
- repairing fouled drinking water systems that put communities at risk