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Howie Hawkins


Running as Candidate for


Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

1: Universal Single-Payer Health Care
2: Rent Control, Build Affordable Housing
3: Fully Fund and Desegregate Schools

Current Occupation

Green candidate for Governor of New York

Previous Occupation

2001-2018 Truck unloader at UPS
1991-2001 Co-op developer
1972-1978 Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve
1971-1991 Laborer, carpenter, and contractor
1967-1971 Busboy, server, ranch hand, landscaper, laborer


Dartmouth College, 1971-1977

Organizational Affiliation

Teamsters Local 317
Teamsters for a Democratic Union
Southside Community Coalition
Eat To Live Food Cooperative
Green Party
Socialist Party USA
American Legion Dunbar Post 1642

Prior Public Experience

Organizer in movements for peace, justice, labor, the environment, democratic socialism, and independent working-class politics since the late 1960s.

Candidate Statement

I am the only progressive for governor still on the ballot – the only candidate for raising the minimum wage to $20, guaranteed health care, stronger rent regulations and building lots of quality public housing that working-class people can afford, fully funding and desegregating public schools, tuition-free CUNY and SUNY, 100% clean energy by 2030, and taxing the rich to revitalize public services and infrastructure, starting with NYCHA and the MTA. I want to abolish bail, guarantee speedy trials, legalize marijuana, and treat drug abuse as a health problem instead of a criminal problem. I want fair elections and clean government: public campaign finance, term limits, universal voter registration, independent ethics oversight, ranked-choice voting for executive offices, and proportional representation in the legislature. Don’t waste your vote on the two-party status quo. Don’t let them take your vote for granted. Vote for what you want. Make the politicians come to you.