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Michael Diederich

Running as Candidate for

Senate District 11

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

1: Defend Democracy against Hyper-partisanship

2: Adequate Secular Education for Ultra-Orthodox

3: Defending NYS against Federal abuse

Current Occupation

private practice of law-- employment law and civil rights

Previous Occupation

Ski instructor during college

Banquet waiter during law school

US Army Judge Advocate General's Corps/reservist (29 years)

Assistant County Attorney (Westchester and Rockland counties)


B.S. (environmental science)

J.D. (law)

LL.M. (environmental law)

US Army Command and General Staff College

Organizational Affiliation

American Bar Association
NYS Bar Association
National Employment Lawyers Association
NY Chapter of NELA
4th JAG Association

Prior Public Experience

Judge Advocate in US Army Reserves (29 years) with active duty tours in Germany, Iraq (2004-05) and Afghanistan (2012).

Assistant County Attorney (Westchester County)

Assistant County Attorney for Environmental Law (Rockland County)

Chairman, Rockland County Environmental Managemet Council

Stony Point Planning Board

Candidate Statement

Our democracy is in peril. Hyper-partisanship and tribalism prevents civility and compromise, even when both sides could agree on 95% compromises. I've served in Iraq and Afghanistan, traveled around the world, and seen what work and what doesn't in governance. As a People's-side lawyer, I've seen how people can lose their rights at the hands of the powerful-- e.g., corporations and government.
I've tried cases, prosecuted appeals and influenced the US Supreme Court. I fight for real people, against the powerful. This is what you should want in an AG--a person who will fight for you, and understands how powerful interests can harm the public interest.
And I'll fight for an informed, educated citizenry, as nothing is more important to democracy.
I am a independent Democrat who wants to gain the trust of Republicans and independents, so that I can advocate for ALL New Yorkers.