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John Ruiz

Running as Candidate for

State Assembly District 61

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

1: Affordable Housing

2: Education

3:  Transportation

Current Occupation

Political consultant, Theatrical Director, writer, producer

Previous Occupation

Retired 911 NYC Firefighter


John Jay College

Organizational Affiliation

Democratic Party Official

Prior Public Experience

16-year Democratic District Leader

Candidate Statement

Affordable Housing- We need to reduce the pace of gentrification of our community and end vacancy decontrol. We need to support stronger safety nets to protect renters from losing their homes and support high monetary penalties for landlords who harass tenants. We also need to closely examine rezoning in order to protect the character of our community.

Education-I will fight for the fair distribution of funds to all public schools and advocate for the inclusion of free higher education for all educational levels i.e. BA, MA and PhD and for free trade school. I will fight long and hard to get the funding that is owed to our school children as a result of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity and advocate for additional resources for children and adults with disabilities. I am very committed to improving the quality of our schools, putting a halt to the school to prison pipeline and ending mass incarceration.

Public Transportation- Transit delays have spiked and the subways are in dire need of repairs. The solution to all of this seems obvious: infrastructure investments to upgrade, restore and fix our system. One way to deal with the pressure on the subways would be to improve our surface transportation system: better and more reliable buses.