Roxanne J. Persaud


Running as Candidate for

Senate District 19

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

  1. Ending Domestic & Community Violence
  2. Creating Opportunities for Vulnerable Youth
  3. Ensuring Seniors Age with Dignity

Current Occupation

NYS Senator, 19th District

Previous Occupation

NYS Assemblymember, 59th AD; Registrar, St. Francis College, Brooklyn; Director, Student Accounts & Registration Services, Pace University


B.S., Pace University; M.S.E., Pace University

Organizational Affiliation

Brooklyn Canarsie Lions Club

Prior Public Experience

NYC Districting Comm., NYPD Citizens Acad., OEM Comm. Response Team, Pres. 69th Pct. Comm. Council, DYCD Comm. Action Board, Chair - NAB 18, BK CB 18

Candidate Statement

I came to NYC from Guyana as a teenager, and have called Brooklyn home for most of my life. I am so proud to represent the SD19, one of the most diverse in the City. As your Senator, I will continue to be a champion for our district. We have great schools and talented teachers; but more funding is needed to ensure our students have the best opportunities available to them. Our neighbors who run the City’s hospitals, airports and facilities deserve the same compensation and status as everyone else. We are a resilient community, but SD19 is home to disparities in health, economic opportunity, safety and access to services. I look forward to continuing our work to building a stronger, healthier, more equitable SD19. You deserve to be served.