Zohran Mamdani


Running as Candidate for

State Assembly District 36

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

  1. Housing is a Human Right
  2. Publicly Owned Utilities
  3. End Mass Incarceration

Current Occupation

Foreclosure Prevention Counselor

Previous Occupation

Campaign Manager, Field Director


BA, Africana Studies - Bowdoin College

Organizational Affiliation

Democratic Socialists of America, Muslim Democratic Club of New York

Prior Public Experience

Field Organizer - Tiffany Cabán for Queens DA, Campaign Manager - Ross Barkan for State Senate, Field Director - Khader el-Yateem for City Council

Candidate Statement

As a foreclosure prevention counselor, my job is to help families on the brink of homelessness stay in the homes they worked their whole lives to earn.


Every day, I come face to face with the human consequences of decades of pro-corporate and pro-landlord politics in Albany.


Every day, I'm reminded that all this suffering isn't inevitable - it's a choice that our representatives make to put the interests of their campaign donors over the well-being over their constituents.


I'm running to give Astoria a different choice. I'm not taking a dime of corporate money so that I can fight for policies that bought-and-paid-for politicians never can: housing as a human right for all, publicly owned utilities, and an end to mass incarceration.