Nathalia Fernandez


Running as Candidate for

State Assembly District 80

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

  1. Affordable and adequate healthcare
  2. Education reform
  3. Criminal Justice Reform

Current Occupation

Assemblymember of the 80th Assembly District

Previous Occupation

Bronx a Regional Representative for Governor Cuomo, NYS Assembly, Chief of Staff for the 80th AD


BA in Public Relations with a Minor in Fine Arts from Hofstra University

Organizational Affiliation

Bronx Community Fund, Bronx Democratic County, Bronx Young Dems

Prior Public Experience

Bronx Regional Rep for Governor Cuomo, State Committeewoman Elect. Nov 2016 for the 80th AD

Candidate Statement

As the current elected official - and long time advocate - for the 80th AD and the Bronx, I continue steadfast in my beliefs that New York needs to support its working class. We need to continue our criminal justice reforms, provide adequate and affordable healthcare, bolster education, support small businesses, and provide help to those who need it most.

My tenure in the Assembly has led to the introduction of many progressive bills, as well as community-wide events and forums. I believe as an elected official, my job is to represent my community and inform them of the changes happening during my time in Albany.