Tamara Lashchyk


Running as Candidate for

State Assembly District 66

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

  1. Local Economy - Getting business re-opened
  2. Public Safety & Security - Fighting Crime
  3. Crisis Readiness and Response

Current Occupation

Career Coach

Previous Occupation

Founder and CEO TDL International; Director, Deutsche Bank AG; Director, Bank of America Merrill Lynch


BS Drexel University

Organizational Affiliation

Razom for Ukraine, Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization

Candidate Statement

New York has been devastated by COVID-19 and many businesses will not recover. As a former Wall Street executive I know how get our city out of crisis so that it can thrive again. Residents no longer feel safe with violent crime rising exponentially. I will work with local law enforcement to fight crime while reforming our police force for greater community outreach.