Scott A. Hutchins


Running as Candidate for

State Assembly District 54

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

  1. Building Low-Income Housing
  2. Reducing and Reforming Police Funding
  3. Establishing a Public Bank

Current Occupation

Freelance Writer

Previous Occupation

Adjunct Professor, Tutor, Multimedia Specialist, Customer Service Representative.


M.A. in Cinema/Media Studies from The College of Staten Island, B.A. in Communication Studies and English from Indiana University

Organizational Affiliation

The Dramatists Guild of North America, Picture the Homeless, Neighbors Together, VOCAL-NY

Prior Public Experience

Candidate for Assembly District 74, City Council District 35, U.S. House of Representatives District 12, all with the Green Party

Candidate Statement

Do you want a candidate who takes money from Big Real Estate that wants to push you out of your home for a profit? Bushwick is rapidly gentrifying, and our incumbent Assembly member takes donations from real estate lobbyists who don't care about anything but profit. I want to establish a public bank and community land trusts in which to invest public funds and make New York City a place you don't have to be rich to live in.

I am committed to the Green Party platform and its ten pillars: grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, nonviolence, decentralization, community-based economics, feminism & gender equality, respect for diversity, personal and global responsibility, future focus & sustainability.