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한국어선택하신 유권자 안내서 내용에 대한 공식 한국어 번역이 없습니다.
বাংলাএকটি অফিসিয়াল অনুবাদকৃত ভোটার গাইডের নির্দিষ্ট সূচিপত্র বাংলাতে পাওয়া যাবে না
Brandon P. Stradford
Current Occupation
Human Resources Professional
Previous Occupation
Adjunct Professor
Community Liaison
Baccalaureate 1985. State University of New York - Oswego
Advanced Certification in Public Administration - CUNY 2009
Master's Degree 2010 - Urban Studies, CUNY Queens College
I am NOT a career politician, but I am a lifelong Advocate, Community Liaison, Mentor and Voice for the Voiceless. I've worked to uplift the marginalized, disenfranchised, unemployed and the castaway. I believe that everyone deserves a seat at the table and to have their voices heard. I truly represent the 23rd Senate District; I am African American, born of working class parents, and a former resident of NYCHA.