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Campaign Finance and Independent Expenditure Summaries Glossary

Campaign Finance Summary

Office indicates the position that the candidate is seeking.

Participant indicates if a candidate is a Campaign Finance Program participant. “P” indicates a Program participant, “LP” indicates that the candidate is a limited participant “NP” indicates a non-participant, and “UN” indicates the candidate has not yet informed the CFB their status.

Filing shows the statement number of the most recent financial disclosure statement filed by the candidate or independent spender with the CFB. The most recent disclosure statement for the current election cycle can be found on the upper left corner of this page.

Private Funds includes net contributions (monetary contributions, in-kind contributions, and transfers from a party or constituted committee not controlled by the candidate, less contribution refunds), net loans (loans received less loans repaid or forgiven) and miscellaneous receipts (investment income, proceeds from sales or leases, and transfers from a committee used by the same candidate for a different election).

Public Funds is the total amount of public funds disbursed to the candidate for the primary, runoff, and/or general elections less repayments by the candidate to the CFB.

Spending includes net expenditures (expenditure payments, in-kind contributions, and transfers to a party or constituted committee, less expenditure refunds)

Balance is calculated as private funds plus public funds minus spending, and may not equal a campaign’s actual bank balance.

Liabilities include net loans (loans received less loans repaid or forgiven), outstanding advances, and outstanding liabilities.

View provides different ways to look at the data. “Campaign” includes candidate campaign activity only; “Campaign + Independent” includes both campaign activity and independent expenditures


Contributors By Amount (#) shows how many contributors gave less than $175, between $176-$999, and $1,000 or more in net contributions.

Contributors by Amount (%) breaks down, by percentage, the makeup of contributors who gave less than $175, between $176-$999 and $1,000 or more in net contributions.

Total Contribution Amounts ($) presents the net contributions (includes monetary contributions, in-kind contributions, and transfers from a party or constituted committee not controlled by the candidate, less contribution refunds) for each candidate.

NYC/Outside NYC (%) shows the percentage of net contributions received from contributors that are located in or out of NYC, based on reporting by the campaign.

Average Contribution ($) shows the average net contribution for each candidate.

Independent Expenditure Summary

View provides different ways to look at the data. “Candidate/Proposal” organizes the data by the candidate (or ballot proposal) mentioned; “Independent Spender” organizes the data by spender.

Total Spending is the total independent expenditures made by the spender (if Summary is selected), by the spender referring to a particular candidate/proposal (if View = Independent Spender), or that refer to one candidate/proposal (if View = Candidate/Proposal).

Support/Oppose/Not Determined is the total independent expenditures that support or oppose the candidate/proposal, or where the position could not be determined by CFB. This determination is made by CFB based on information reported by the independent spender.