Public Advocate




Michael E. Brown*

Damon L. Cabbagestalk

Jay Golub

Betsy F. Gotbaum

Andrew Rasiej

Norman Siegel

Damon L. Cabbagestalk


Party enrolled in: Democratic

Occupation: Human Services

Occupational background: Has worked as a youth field organizer in the Borough of Brooklyn during Al Sharpton’s mayoral campaign; worked and volunteered for Community Board #3 in Brooklyn for over 7 years and continues to sit on the Education Committee

Educational background: College of New Rochelle, BA in Social Science; pursuing MA degree in Education and Religion from the Theological Seminary College in Manhattan

Organizational affiliations: Presently a member of the Unity Democratic Club; Community Board #3 in Brooklyn; Bedford Stuyvesant Education Task Force; The Police Athletic League Board in Bedford Stuyvesant

Prior public experience: Helped organize the community in support of keeping the Bedford Stuyvesant Community Boxing Center open; Helped The Medger Ever’s Public Housing Tenants Association organize meeting which resulted in placing security officers and improvement of housing conditions; Stop drugs from and Guns from destroying community families




1. What is the most important issue in the city you would address if elected?

The Democratic party is in serious trouble and immediate need of reconstruction and unity among the body. Democrats are less supported from their colleagues whom hold political seats in Government in the City of New York Council. They continue to be pressured by public interest groups who want to take control of government laws that they have know authority over.


2. What other important issues would you address if elected?

I would address issues such as the poor services provided by the New York City M.T.A and help commuters using public transportation and the high cost of Metrocards. Affordable housing for low income families. Safety in New York City Schools


3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?

What makes me the best candidate is the ability to have a heart to deal with all the people of New York City. I also have the vision that many New Yorkers are seeking in the City to help provide relief from problematic issues and concerns. I will be a active advocate for the poor people in the City of New York. I will continue to speak out on violence in communities and also education institution.


(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)


Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.


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