5th City Council District




Eric A. Cesnik

Jessica S. Lappin

Dan Quart

George N. Spitz


Eric A. Cesnik


Party enrolled in: Democratic

Occupation: Attorney

Occupational background: Attorney for Latham & Watkins (on leave); Prior to law school, associate at a business strategy consulting firm; See also "Prior Public Experience"

Educational background: Dartmouth College, BA, 1994; Harvard Law School, JD, 2000

Organizational affiliations: Democracy for NYC; New York State Bar Assn

Prior public experience: Environmental Policy Coordinator, Howard Dean Presidential Campaign; Intern, Environmental Protection Agency, 1999; Intern, Office of Congressman David Obey, 1993

Email: info@cesnik2005.com

Web site: www.Cesnik2005.com



1. What is the most important issue in Council District 5 you would address if elected?

Citizen involvement! New York City should set the standard for civic engagement. With the world’s greatest talent pool, we must draw on this resource to tackle the challenges we face. These challenges, from overcrowded classrooms to an overburdened transportation infrastructure, can be solved. The solution rests in the hands of every community member and, with my strong leadership, I will involve and empower citizens in order to bring a renaissance to New York City. I will host frequent, issues-based “new ideas roundtables” in the district to unleash the creativity of neighborhood residents. And on the Council, I will fight to implement the best ideas and fully utilize the talents of our neighbors.


2. What other important issues would you address if elected?

It’s time for a renaissance in New York City – in our public schools, transportation, affordable housing, energy efficiency, and environmental protection. That means standing up for what we believe in as Democrats. We must insist that the state finally contribute its fair share to city schools but even without those funds, we have an obligation to students and teachers. The City Council let our children down when it approved the Mayor’s tax rebate scheme while our schools are struggling. By failing to insist on more education funding, the Council failed to stand up to the mayor in the same way Democrats in Congress failed to stand up to George W. Bush. If we don’t protect children and teachers, who will?

I will fight for better transit, including a 2nd Ave. subway, bus rapid transit, light rail, and better bike routes. I will fight for affordable housing and home rule. NYC should control its own destiny with respect to housing issues.

I will fight for energy efficiency and the environment. We must recycle more, reduce waste, and create a sensible trash management system.


3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?

I have the passion, experience, and vision to bring real change to the City Council. Please visit www.Cesnik2005.com to learn more.


(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)


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