Daby Benjaminé Carreras


Running as Candidate for

State Assembly District 68

Party Enrolled in


Top Three Issues

  1. Housing & Homelessness
  2. Unemployment, Public pensions/retirement funds
  3. Crime reduction/prevention & Civil rights

Current Occupation

Money Manager

Previous Occupation

Assembly District Leader - East Harlem, NY; Vice President Manhattan – GOP; Community Organizer & Activist; Public LifeGuard American Red Cross


Lehigh University, Stony Brook University, Licensed Investment Banker; Securities. NYS Life & Health Insurance, A+Certified Technician

Organizational Affiliation

Phi Sigma Kappa - Lehigh University, The BRANDO project -(Believe.Recovery.Awareness.Now.Diabetes.Obesity), Manhattan GOP, American Heart Association

Prior Public Experience

Special Olympics; High School Mentor; Member of multiple nonprofit organizations; Volunteering at CB11M; Director of Life Spire Garden, East Harlem

Candidate Statement

Daby Carreras is a candidate that reflects the culture and value of El Barrio/Spanish Harlem. He is proud of both his Puerto Rican and his Cuban heritage, and works hard to assist others in this part of the city. He was born here - in Albert Einstein Hospital - and ever since his arrival as a baby in 1980 he has lived and breathed NYC, attending schools, gaining his brokers' certificate, and now working in downtown Manhattan where he manages capital investments. He developed a non-profit organization, BRANDO - which helps to fight the health crises, including kidney disease, obesity and diabetes that plagues our community. Not only does he donate his time to administrate medical charities, but he is hands on - giving blood and white blood cells.


Daby Carreras es un candidato que refleja la cultura y el valor de El Barrio / Spanish Harlem. Está orgulloso de su herencia puertorriqueña y cubana, y trabaja duro para ayudar a otros en esta parte de la ciudad. Nació aquí, en el Hospital Albert Einstein, y desde su llegada cuando era bebé en 1980 ha vivido y respirado Nueva York, asistió a escuelas, obtuvo su certificado de stock broker y ahora trabaja en el centro de Manhattan, donde administra inversiones de capital.


Desarrolló una organización sin fines de lucro, BRANDO, que ayuda a combatir las crisis de salud, incluidas las enfermedades renales, la obesidad y la diabetes que afectan a nuestra comunidad. No solo dona su tiempo para administrar organizaciones benéficas médicas, etc.